Add a Blogger Sitemap to MSN Bing Webmaster Tools

How to add a Blogger Blog and Blogger Sitemap (Blogspot Sitemap) to Bing Webmaster Tools . Step by step instructions for Blogspot bloggers who want to improve search engine optimization of their blog.

Although Bing  gets a fraction of search engine traffic compared to Google and Yahoo it is still worthwhile submitting your Blogger sitemap (Blogspot sitemap) and blog to Bing. The advantages of adding your blog to Bing is that you will learn more about how your site is crawled and what keywords visitors use to access your blog pages.

How to Add a Blogger Blog (Blogspot Blog) to Bing Webmaster Tools

1. Create an account or sign into Bing at MSN. If you have a hotmail account you will already have access to Bing Webmaster Tools

2. Navigate to the Bing Webmasters Tools page

bing webmasters tools home page

Installing Skylight is purely optional. Silverlight is Microsoft's competitive product for Adobe Flash. Try it if you wish as it adds some extra functionality but for the purposes of this Blogger tutorial it is not necessary.

3. From the Bing Webmaster home page click on Add Site

4. Fill in the URL address of your Blogger blog 

add site bing webmaster

5. Click on Submit

Your blog will now appear on the list of added sites under your Bing Webmaster account

added site
6. Click the Verify Site link at the right of your blog

verify site bing webmasters tools

7. Choose Option 2 - Add meta tag to your default webpage

meta tag
8. Login to your Blogger account if not already logged in using a different browser window

9. From the Dashboard go to Design > Edit HTML

Paste the code below the <head> tag and before <b:skin> and as early as possible 

For the new generation of default Blogger templates I suggest placing the code just below these two lines:

<meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>

For earlier generations of default Blog templates and custom templates I suggest you place the Bing Webmaster meta tag after these lines:
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Click on Save Template

10 .Return to Bing Webmaster and click on the Verify button

If successful your Blogger blog will be added to the list of sites. Information about your blog will show not available as it takes at least 48 hours to activate.

How to Add a Blogger Sitemap (Blogspot Sitemap) to Bing Webmaster 

  1. Sign in to Bing Webmaster if not already signed in
  2. Click on your Blogger blog from the list of sites
  3. Click on the Crawl tab from the top menu
  4. Click on Sitemaps from the menu on the left hand side

sitemap add

An Add Sitemap dialog box will pop up. Enter the following URL of the default posts feed of your Blogger blog . eg:

Replace the dailybloggiingtips with the name of your blog

5. Click on the Submit button

If you have entered the details of your sitemap correctly you will now be presented with a added sitemap success screen

submit sitemap success

In this Blogger tutorial I have taken you through the steps involved in submitting a Blogger blog (Blogspot blog) to Bing Webmaster Tools (MSN). I have also shown you how to add a Blogger sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools by using the default Blogger posts feed.