How to recover from Google Penguin update

google penguin update

Google penguin update main purpose is to provide the high quality information to the Google searchers (users). Google penguin update impact will be huge on those sites which have,

  • Duplicate content
  • SEO over optimization
  • Too many ads
  • Site loading time
  • Low quality content
  • Broken links all over your site
  • Sites without good SEO structure

Try to avoid the above to recover from Google penguin update.

How to recover from Google penguin update?

Follow these tips to recover from Google penguin update
You have to have great contents: The best way to recover from Google penguin update is to write high quality contents on a regular basis. Your content must be detailed (anywhere around 600 to 800 is a good length) which should solve your readers problems and it should also attract more comments, and social media shares to create positive views on your site by Google crawlers.
Onpage SEO plays a vital role: No matter how great your content is, it should be optimized for the search engines to get more online visibility. You should be optimizing the meta description, title and subheads, making your targeted keywords bold and italic to get more visibility from the search engines.

Try to have your main keywords in

  1. Title tags,
  2. Description,
  3. H1 Tags

And also use proper keyword density to have great search impact (anywhere around 3 to 5% is really a good keyword density).
Use the seo related plugins like SEO by Yoast or Easy WP SEO to make your onpage seo optimization better to recover from Google penguin.
+1 circles play an essential role in Google search rankings: After Google launching Google plus, it’s giving more importance to the sites which have more +1 circles on their blog posts. Try to focus on bringing more +1 circles on your articles to create a positive impact on the search engines.

Use search engine friendly themes: Invest some money on buying premium themes, because most of the premium themes are designed by keeping search engine optimization in mind. The coding will be done search engine friendly, they take time to optimize the theme, thus giving better search engine visibility. Using search engine friendly themes is the best way to recover from Google penguin.

Build quality back links: Search engines love authority sites, when you’re getting quality back links from other sites or when someone’s linking to your blog posts, it certainly shows that you’ve great content on your blog. But how can you get the links from others? There are two ways to get quality back links to your sites. One is by natural linking and other is by guest blogging.
Natural linking will be possible only when you’ve great connections with the top bloggers in your niche and you should also have quality and relevant articles to get the links from other sites. One more method to get back links is by guest blogging, and linking to your relevant blog posts. This way you can generate a positive impact on the search engines, overtime this will help you recover from Google penguin updates.

Improve your old blog posts: This is one of the most effective methods to recover from Google penguin update  You can certainly have great results when you’re updating the old posts on your blog. Optimize them for the search engines and improve the search engine visibility, link to better posts and try to make it better by fixing the writing typos etc. All these play a vital role to recover from Google penguin.

Fix the broken links: Use Google webmaster tools to find and fix your broken links. Broken links are also known as 404 links, where you find “page not found” errors. When you’ve 404 errors all over your websites, you’ll surely hit by Google penguin. So try to fix those 404 errors. Use broken link checker WP plugin to fix 404 links easily.

Publish more consistently: Make sure you’re posting on a regular base to get most out search results. Google does love fresh content all the time, because the fresh content shows that you’re dedicated to give the unique contents to your readers almost every time. So try to post as frequently as possible on your blog to recover from Google penguinupdate.

How to know whether you’re hit by Google penguin?

You’ll easily find whether or not you’re hit by Google penguin, by looking at
Your site stats (you’ll clearly notice a huge drop in traffic)
You won’t get much online visibility for your targeted keywords
So, work on the above things to recover from Google penguin updates and share your results with us.
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